
Women Around the World at JPMorgan Chase

The women who lead various teams across our many locations have a wealth of unique knowledge and experience that we benefit from every day.

March 17, 2021

Our global diversity is our firm's greatest strength and privilege. We're glad to continue the conversation and supporting the equality women deserve beyond International Women's Day. We're proud to introduce you to four women leaders from our firm ready to share their best advice with you.

Claudia Minzi - Buenos Aires, Argentina

My current role: Regional Head of Cybersecurity and Technology Controls for Latin America and Canada

My first role: Cybersecurity Lead in Latin America

My proudest career moment at JPMorgan Chase:  Having built and consolidated a team of experts in the region after having started from scratch as a self contributor with no expectations on developing a group.

My advice to my younger self: Say yes to big opportunities, even though when you feel you are not ready. If you are selected to do it, it is because you deserve it, so don’t doubt about yourself and accept the challenge.

My best trait is: Tenacity. I’m the kind of fighter that goes over and over until I get what I know is the best for all.

A woman that inspires me is: Simone de Beauvoir as she was really bold and a pioneer in criticizing male-led society and girls education limiting them to only get married

Gender equality is: Same opportunities no matter the gender and reduce the gap of women leaders anywhere.

I #choosetochallenge (IWD 2021 theme): Our own bias and discover how limited we are when we don’t allow ourselves to understand what we identify as different from what we are used to.

My best piece of advice to students is: Speak up when you see no equal opportunities. Express yourself when you think you are not being heard. Say what you think (and think what you say) and never allow anybody to shut you down.


Angela Luongo - New York, USA

My current role: Executive Director, Head of Financial Planning & Analysis for Consumer and Business Banking

My first role: Analyst in Corporate Investor Relations

My proudest career moment at JPMorgan Chase: Participating in JPMorgan Chase’s Service Corps to provide pro bono consulting for a London-based not for profit. It was an amazing opportunity for me to leverage my skillset to help our partner build the capacity required to meet critical needs in their communities.

My advice to my younger self: Have confidence in yourself. Competence alone won’t lead to success – the combination of competence and confidence is critical. I highly suggest reading, The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance – What Women Should Know.

My best trait is: Challenging the status quo.

A woman that inspires me is: My mom, a powerhouse single mother, who instilled in me a belief that I could achieve my wildest dreams if I put in the work.

Gender equality is: Table stakes for everyone to thrive.

I #choosetochallenge: The notion that women are too emotional to be effective leaders. Empathy and passion for building genuine connections are vital to developing talent and leading successful teams.

My best piece of advice to students is: Don’t sweat the small stuff; focus your energy on what’s within your control.


Wafaa Schiefler – London, UK

My current role: Executive Director, Commodities Quantitative Researcher

My first role: Quantitative Researcher at a Financial Software Development firm

My proudest career moment at JPMorgan Chase: When I was asked to take a cross-commodities role with a broader scope and more responsibilities and impact.

My advice to my younger self: Do not be afraid to question a design or decision if you are not 100% confident that it is the right one. As a junior member of the team, you can and should express your view. Your fresh perspective is valuable.

My best trait is: Ownership: when I am asked to participate in a project, it becomes my own. I ensure that all tasks are done properly, not only those that I am directly responsible for, but all those that affect whether or not the project will be successful. High standards at every step and by each contributor is key for success.

A woman that inspires me is: Marie Curie – who was an amazing scientist. As a student, she thrived to learn. Women were not welcome at the university in her country, but this did not stop her. She was determined to continue her education so she considered other options, looked for opportunities and worked extremely hard to be able to gather the necessary funds to proceed with her studies in France.

Gender equality is: very important. Despite meaningful progress, gender gaps remain and we all need to contribute to reducing them.

I #choosetochallenge (IWD 2021 theme): Stereotypes, especially when it comes to women. It is important to break the idea that women cannot be analytical, good at maths, and excel in programming. Women can be anything that they want to be.

My best piece of advice to students is: Do not limit your options (to a specific field or industry for example) when looking for a job. You will find that there are great opportunities in areas that you may not have initially considered.


Lillian Xia - Shenzhen, China

My current role: General Manager, J.P. Morgan China Shenzhen Branch; Executive Director, Global Corporate Bank.

My first role: Office Administration

My proudest career moment at JPMorgan Chase: Appointed as the inaugural Branch Manager for JPMorgan China Shenzhen Branch in 2013.

My advice to my younger self: Have greater confidence in yourself that you have the ability to achieve great things in life.  

My best trait is: Visionary, sensitivity and can-do attitude are my best character traits. Being a woman, these character traits empowered me to have deeper understanding and empathy when dealing with clients and counterparties and the ability to drive seemingly impossible tasks forward.

A woman that inspires me is: Li Na, who is the first Asian woman to have won two grand slam Tennis singles titles. She proved that through vision, hard work and determination, Asian women athletes can also achieve world titles.

Gender equality is: Treating every single person based on his/her own merit regardless of race, gender, disability, nationality and social status.  Gender equality is essential for a fairer, more peaceful and brighter future.  Our society and workplace should encourage women to have higher career aspiration and take up leadership roles.

I #choosetochallenge: Women to achieve true work, family and life balance.  Many career women are also primary care takers of their family and this often takes away time for these women to develop and maintain their own interest and health. I challenge working women to find time to do new hobbies and practice mental and physical health to recharge their energy.  Women should be encouraged to participate in wellness activities to give them the opportunities to achieve work, family and life balance.

My best piece of advice to students is: Be curious, passionate and positive. Develop a passion to learn all aspects of a new job or industry that you are initially exposed to; Be open-minded to future roles that will enrich your work experience and personality while developing your core expertise. If you are great with applying logic in solving maths problems, you can apply this problem solving skill in multiple disciplines and industries which may not relate to maths. Constantly upgrade your knowledge and learn new skills, find a mentor for guidance and advice.

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