Has anything surprised you about working at JPMorgan Chase?
The most surprising things about working here are the diverse culture and the emphasis on nurturing young talent. The culture and teamwork we have here at JPMorgan Chase is really unique. Every individual on my team is different in terms of age, cultural background and gender, but I was surprised to see that our differences actually help build stronger problem solving, innovation and teamwork.
We also have business resource groups at JPMorgan Chase, which promote our employees' commitment to diversity and community involvement. Personally, I am involved in the “Access Ability" group, which works with the disabled and their caregivers. I help organize a wide range of events; it is nice that the firm gives me an opportunity to give back to the community.
In addition, the firm has an “Analyst and Associate Council" that supports the younger cohort on mentoring, mobility, networking, performance development, and training. If you look at the management team, especially in Japan, most of them are people who started their careers right here at JPMorgan Chase. This really makes it clear how much emphasis the company puts on talent development.
If you had a chance to talk to a younger version of yourself, what would you tell them about working at JPMorgan Chase?
I think one misconception university students have is that they need to have a finance background to work in finance—but that's actually completely untrue. I think that, if you don't have a finance background, it's even better because it makes you different from the other candidates.
JPMorgan Chase is really emphasizing diversity and inclusion—and not just in terms of gender or culture. Diversity and inclusion is about the total background of a candidate.
If everyone is a finance major, it's possible they'll all think the same way. But if you have someone with a background in English literature, for instance, or geography, they can bring a new perspective. So building a diverse group—with a variety of majors and a wide range of backgrounds—is very important for JPMorgan Chase.